Thursday, March 14, 2013

A lot has happened!

Howdy all y'all! Things have been moving right along down here. Last time you heard from me I was looking for a job, well none of places that I applied at gave me a call back. Academy seemed to be the most promising, but after going once a week to talk to the manager about it, he told me that all position  are done through computer now and that if I hadn't gotten a call yet it was because my resume didn't look good enough. However, the good news is that I am currently helping out at in the kitchen eight hours a week, it's not much but every little bit helps with the bills. All that to say that the Lord provided in His own way.

Quick recap:

- Helped cook swap engines out  on his daily driver
- We are now at the halfway point of the semester
- Ecuador flight ticket has been bought!
- Wrote a three page paper in Spanish
- Color me Rad came to Corpus

  Overall, things aren't too bad.

The biggest thing that has happened is that a group of students and myself were able to take a trip to Corpus for the weekend. We were able to go to the Texas State Aquarium, have a bonfire on the beach, go to church at Bayshore Bible Church and go to a christian concert that was in town.

Everyone that went had a wonderful time and for most of them, it was the first time that they had every had a chance to do something like this. I would like to thank all the people who were involved in getting us to Corpus, those who cooks, donated food, donated gas money, donated firewood, donated aquarium tickets, everything.

Thank you very much for letting me share a bit of my hometown.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I have not forgotten!

The two week mark has just slipped by since the last update, and what do we have here?! Another update! I'm trying to make sure that I keep all y'all in the loop of what is going on and how things are progressing.

School is still going well, my Vida Familiar class in the evenings has been very enjoyable so far. At times it is a little hard to follow with all the jumping around that can be done, however I can say I understand 98% (-/+) of what is talked about word for word.

I am still going down to Mexico each Sunday at 3pm-8:45pm to help out and be the games leader for the local kids when we go down to the house church.

Two Saturdays ago we went down for a work project of clearing a field of rocks so that we would have a place to be able to play games at, instead of in the middle of the side street. We had a lot of help from the fellow students that went and also some of the families in the neighborhood. All in all we had 22 adults there helping out. It was hot work, but will be well worth it. We all shared a lunch, and have to say that it was THE best green spaghetti that I've ever eaten.

This last weekend I was able to head back to Corpus and participate in the Color Me Rad 5K Run/walk. I had a group of friends doing it, along with my parents and we made a morning of it. As you can see, from the start to finish of the race our shirts had a handful of changes made to them. I was tons of fun and was a good way to get out of the daily routine of school.


I am still looking for a job. I have gone and seen the manager at Academy 5 different times to help with my chances of being hired on. When I went and talked with him Monday, he told me that they were no longer taking application and we sifting through them now. He also told me that there were over 120 people who had applied for the 2 jobs slots. However he did say that he was impressed with me going to see him each week to keep him reminded about it and would look out for my name, although there were wanting someone who had worked in retail before. So if I get this job, Lord knows that I didn't have anything to do with it.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this post and look for me to post something else in just over 2 weeks!


Job -  That I will be able to get a job, or if not the Lord will open up other possibilities.
Health - Looks like I might have Pink Eye possibly. I have eye drops that I was given today and they seem to be helping. I think I picked it up from one of the missionary families that had it last week.
Direction - There are quite a few large things that I have to decide on during this semester, prayer for guidance and clarity.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Out of Winter Hibernation

As most of you have realized by this time, I might not be the most consecutive blog poster of all time. That being said, each time I do post something my post percentage does get better.

Christmas break for the most part went great! I was able to visit with the family, meet up with long distance friends from out of state, go to my home church, have a beach bonfire, work some at my old job and have the opportunity to go to  Passsion2013 in Atlanta.

Passion was a total God thing. I found of that I was going at 9am December 31st, the ride to get there was leaving at 3pm that same day. I had to pack, change work schedules and everything but God made sure that everything just fell into place and was able to get there and enjoy some wonderful speakers, make great new friends, refresh my soul and be spoken to by the Lord. He knew that the conference was something that I needed and made sure that I got there.

I am back at school in the Valley (Rio Grande Bible Institute), for the semester and will be finishing up with the language program in this May.

While I wasn't the keenest about Christmas break coming to an end, I was a happier about being back than I expected after arriving. It has been great seeing everyone and catching up on what they did for break. Classes started the 8th and I have already completed a full be week of schooling. This semester on top of what the class dictates me to take, I will also be taking Vida Familiar on Monday nights. This is a Bible school class and I will be taking it with the rest of the normal students that are not in the language program. I have been told that it is a very good class and am looking forward to it, although it does mean that I will be reading close to fifty pages a week in Spanish for this class alone. It will be worth it though. This semester is going to be packed!

Prayer requests:

School load - this will be a busy semester with all the classes and school work.
Job - Trying to get hired at the Academy across the street to help pay for school and daily expenses. Pray that if God wants me to have a job that I will be hired and if not that I will not get the job so that I can focus on other things.
Health - I have had a cough since March of 2012. I have been to the doctor twice for it and so far they do not know what I have. For wisdom.
Focus - That I will stay on track to finish all my work in a timely manner and make the best use of my time.

Stay warm and come back soon! Another update at the end of the month to follow!!!