Howdy all y'all! Things have been moving right along down here. Last time you heard from me I was looking for a job, well none of places that I applied at gave me a call back. Academy seemed to be the most promising, but after going once a week to talk to the manager about it, he told me that all position are done through computer now and that if I hadn't gotten a call yet it was because my resume didn't look good enough. However, the good news is that I am currently helping out at in the kitchen eight hours a week, it's not much but every little bit helps with the bills. All that to say that the Lord provided in His own way.
Quick recap:
- Helped cook swap engines out on his daily driver
- We are now at the halfway point of the semester
- Ecuador flight ticket has been bought!
- Wrote a three page paper in Spanish
- Color me Rad came to Corpus
Overall, things aren't too bad.
The biggest thing that has happened is that a group of students and myself were able to take a trip to Corpus for the weekend. We were able to go to the Texas State Aquarium, have a bonfire on the beach, go to church at Bayshore Bible Church and go to a christian concert that was in town.
Everyone that went had a wonderful time and for most of them, it was the first time that they had every had a chance to do something like this. I would like to thank all the people who were involved in getting us to Corpus, those who cooks, donated food, donated gas money, donated firewood, donated aquarium tickets, everything.
Thank you very much for letting me share a bit of my hometown.
Quick recap:
- Helped cook swap engines out on his daily driver
- We are now at the halfway point of the semester
- Ecuador flight ticket has been bought!
- Wrote a three page paper in Spanish
- Color me Rad came to Corpus
Overall, things aren't too bad.
The biggest thing that has happened is that a group of students and myself were able to take a trip to Corpus for the weekend. We were able to go to the Texas State Aquarium, have a bonfire on the beach, go to church at Bayshore Bible Church and go to a christian concert that was in town.
Everyone that went had a wonderful time and for most of them, it was the first time that they had every had a chance to do something like this. I would like to thank all the people who were involved in getting us to Corpus, those who cooks, donated food, donated gas money, donated firewood, donated aquarium tickets, everything.