Monday, August 29, 2011

Repost From Last Year - March Update By Mom 2011

I talked to Jake this evening - YAY!!! It was hard to hear him and I think it took 3 or more phone calls to get it to work right. He asked to send out an update and prayer request/praise.

He has no internet (or was having trouble with it), so he has very limited/none access right now. He says they might be getting wifi in the next month or so, so that is exciting. That is is prayer request and praise (that it happens AND is effective). It would help tremendously with school.

PRAISE - They have had rain this weekend but they can always use much more.

He went to Quito on Saturday and enjoyed it very much, he said his favorite things were: a very LONG and very HOT shower (he said at least 30 mins), eating fish and seeing Richard/Ximena/Santi/Lani. Leilani was dedicated this morning (Sunday, 3/20) at church. He says she is so tiny and Santi has grown so much. The Roseland's are coming to the USA next month and I look forward to see them (and I hope I get to babysit too:). It was a short trip and he came back this afternoon but he loves visiting them.

He went to Quito with a team from TN. He said they really worked hard and they (those living there) were very appreciative of all their hard work. They really got alot done. He did go out to dinner with them one night this week and he said that was alot of FUN. On the way to Quito on Saturday, they stopped at Nate Saint house (the pilot that was killed with Jim Elliot, Ed McCully, Peter Fleming, and Roger Youderian; I think this was his second trip there). I asked him a few weeks ago (after I recently reread a book about him) if he was near there and he told me, yes and that he has seen several Waodani indians/families around there where he lives - so I thought that was very cool. I remember reading the biography to them when they were young and also going to see the movie, "End of the Spear" when it came out. Talk about bringing your history lessons to life. The teams that come also get to ride a "cable car" across a HUGE gorge (best word I use to describe it), he enjoys that - he says it is not scary (unless you are afraid of heights, I guess) but it is beautiful with the waterfalls and all. GOD has been very gracious in supplying teams to go there an work. The family currently live in the school building and the kids are VERY EXCITED (I think that word is an understatement) that they will hopefully have a house in the next year or two and only share a room with one person instead 6-8. I was recently looking at fb pictures and the oldest (maybe 13, I am tired tonight) had her first ever birthday party last year (in her whole life), I was like WOW - we are SO SPOILED!!!

They are desiring 3 more teachers to come next year to work along Jake to teach the children. I encourage you to pray for that, it may not be you but it may be someone you know BUT GOD will supply them - can you pray about that?

They have decided this past week to teach history 4 days/week (M, T, TH & F - adding a day) so they can get everything done. The new math program they started a few months ago is going well. Jake is currently teaching 6 classes, he did not ever imagine that he would be teaching that much when he left here almost 8 months ago. He enjoys it very much - he did tell me though he would like to teach them sailing or driving - I just laughed ~~~smile~~~ He said if the current was not so bad that he would definitely build a boat, he misses sailing the most. He sailed/raced with the Seascouts, living on the coast and loved it.

Jake will be home for a short time this summer but I know he will be busy. He is hoping to go and visit youth/college groups along with speaking at churches, so how much he will be home will be questionable. I know he will do some sailing and going to the beach for his beloved bonfires and surfing and driving his scout. You can pray for churches to become available for him to speak at. If your church is willing for a short presentation, email and put Ecuador in the subject line and we will talk (if I do not reply back soon, try again, I forget to check my spam folder sometimes).

-Mireya (Roberto & Charmai 3 yo daughter) is currently sick (stomach, etc)
-Rain (still need more)
-Wi-Fi (will work there at the property and all over it)
-3 more teachers for the 2011-2012 school year
-Richard & Ximena (and family) as the travel to the USA on a short unexpected trip to see Richard's parent before they move out of the USA
-It's about Jungle Kids Ministry, that their financial needs will be met and they will be able to have the funds to get the house finished (material wise) and the help (The teams) will come and will be able to effectively work on the house and it will be done faster than estimated.
-the new school schedule, adding another day of history so that they can complete school in early/mid June.

The team from TN did a fantastic job
Rain this past weekend
a HOT shower at Richard & Ximena's house (love this family) =D
Jake has not gotten hurt while he has been a new hobby of jumping off bridges into the river 65' below (this was mine, hee hee)

Well I think that is almost everything he asked me to write about, thanks for reading and hope you have a very blessed week =D

Jake's Mom,

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