Wednesday, September 7, 2011

State side.... for a little while at least. Part 2

Now even though a large part of me coming back to the states for the summer was to see family, friends and be able to take a break from teaching, there was also two other reasons for coming back. One was getting info out about trying to have a team come down in the summer of 2012, and the other was... Money. Or the more socially acceptable/used term is support. Because I was going to be down here longer, I needed to have more donations so that I could still eat and all that good stuff. I had organized several speaking things at churches, to talk about who I am and what I am doing.

The last morning of camp came, farewells were said, hugs were given, promises to keep in touch made and there was a river of tears. Like always. From there, I drove to Fort Smith, AR  to spend the next two days with some good friends of mine and speak at their church once and then again at their house. I had a great time there, and it was very relaxing. We played several games, rode four-wheelers, got said four-wheeler stuck, lit fireworks, wrestled with the nephews and overall had a ball. On the last morning that I was there, Paula and I tried our hands at making waffles... Some... Err.. Smart.. person, missed read the amount of oil needed, and instead of a TBS of oil... We ended up with just over a Cup. Several additions of mix later, we ended up with something that was shaped like a waffle, but tasted closer to a fried doughnut.

Now they go to two churches, one on 'Sunday' mornings and another on 'Wednesdays' nights. I was going to be speaking at the 'Wednesday' church, however my plans fell through, one of the church staff found out that they had a brain tumor and instead of me speaking, they were going to be having a time of prayer. So we changed our plans and went to the 'Sunday' church. It had been less than two days since I had received the email about teaching in Pusuno. It was still a thought that was constantly being mulled around in my thinker. Still a thought that I didn't feel like I had an answer to. However, soon as the pastor started to speak, that had changed. The sermon was on faith, and not just faith as some vague broad topic, but on the faith we had previously and the faith that we have now.He made the point that many people have at one point in their life, made a decision solely based on God, normally something that goes against what the 'common sense' would dictate us to do. However, so often we seem to forget what God has done through us and for us when something comes up that we are not ready for and rely on what our brains tell us to do.

In my case, in August of 2010 I left everything that I had ever know straight out of high school to move into a jungle mission in a 3rd world South American country. Yet here I was, now familiar with the area, the people and the culture, and I was nervous about teaching in a school that was 25km away. God was obviously looking out for me, I had seen His handiwork all throughout my life and in the past year, but for some reason I thought I was all by my lonesome. That Sunday was like a 2x4 to the head. Something to clear the cobwebs and reset what I was supposed to be looking at. Not at where I was, where I was going or even where I would be. I just needed to set back, and know that He is God.

1 comment:

KarisAcrossGenerations said...

Dear Special friend - I remember knowing that FH needed to have that prayer service dedicated and focused on Les and support his family as they wrestled with the brain tumor news, yet I was so bummed that you didn't get a chance to share, as I knew how strong Heath's heart was toward missions. And so, going to RVCC that morning, was not exactly where I wanted to be able to share you...and then, it was not even our normal pastor (that day he had done a VERY RARE thing - he gave over the sermon responsibility to Bruce - someone who had not given the message before, yet God knew, and God used it to place you exactly where His Word would be rhema for you! I so love it!! Just seeing how HE speaks what we need, when it is needed, thru glad. As Bruce spoke that morning on faith that steps out, my mind took me to Pat and I giving over to the heart of God toward children, and accepting the babies He would give us, rather than being the birth controler, but letting Him be Birth Controller. Had we not done that, we would not have the five children that took us to RRVHCamp, where this AR mom got to meet special lady and her sons from south TX!
You are an example of a man obeying and walking in faith day-by-day, call-to-call. I have no doubt...these are just your first steps toward even more amazing faith stories. Hugs Jake! Praying for a 4-wheeler to get you to Pusuno!